Week 44

I sampled a copywriting course for $1 to learn the skills.

However, as I was going through the program, I realized how much money you can make from serving a client. I’m talking between $50 to $200 per article. That’s 1000x more than what I’m making in Medium now!

That got me excitement turned into boredom when I learned how client work works.

To get clients, you need to build a relationship with them and at the same time, show proof that you can get them the results they wanted.

That makes sense. But that’s where I had to question myself if I’m in it for the quick buck. In addition to that, I got bored with watching the video lessons.  That’s when I had to ask myself, “Why am I getting bored of something I want to do?”

That’s when I realized that I didn’t wanna do any client work…


I lost a subscriber this week!

It sucks because he pays half of my monthly fee on Medium. Oh well. That means I need to find another way to boost my views and reads on the platform (to make up for it).

Sometimes, you need the setback to push you towards the growth you need.


Self-care is something that goes out the window when you’re taking care of a newborn and a toddler.

This week, I was determined to get back into working out. I did about 100-push ups (in total). The last 5 reps were difficult but I pushed myself to do it with everything I got.

Two hours later, there’s blood in my eye again! Yup, another blood vessel popped in my eye because there was too much pressure in my head when I was doing those last 5 reps.

Just when I thought I’m off to a good start, I end up having to start the habit all over again.

As per the eye doctor, I had to do things gradually.

A Year Ago This Week

  • I was inspired by Jewel – yea that singer back in the day with crooked teeth.
  • I thought about publishing 2 articles a week. *I’m still working on that. With my schedule these days, that’s possible. But it won’t be when I’m back to work.
  • I had to take over my parents’ finances because they didn’t have the same education as I did. *Retirement is here and talks about recession is creating a lot of financial stress

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