Week 46

Sleeping in on Weekends

“Happy Friday!” is a common greeting that bounces around the office.

I remember one time, I asked my co-worker, “What makes Friday a happy day?”

Not because I was trying to shoot down her happy vibes but because I was curious to find out why Fridays are special.

She goes, “because it’s the last day of the week. I get to stay up late tonight and get to sleep in the next day!”

I understood exactly what she’s saying because I was the same way. But over time, I learned how to change that habit.

Mainly because it screws up my momentum of creating a consistent “sleep-wake up” time habit.

Secondary to that, is to answer the question, “Why can’t every day be a happy day?  Why can’t Monday, Tuesday and the rest of the weekday be a happy day?”

We all have the mental ability to turn things around, to look at it from a different angle.

It’s not easy but don’t you think it’s worth it?

Hate your job? Quit and find another job!

Can’t quit because you need the money? Work for another company that pays the same wage!

Can’t find another company? Well, then you’re screwed lol.

I’ve had these kinds of conversations and noticed that there is no good enough answer or solution to the problem. No matter what solution you throw out there, there is always an excuse why you shouldn’t do it.

I get it. It’s easier said than done. I’m not saying you should do any of these things. But this is something I need to remind myself of once in a while to reduce the pain of doing something you hate.

P.S. I don’t hate my job 😛

The Drawback of "Good"

When you’re good at your craft to a point where a lot of people just trust your judgment, growth becomes limited. What do I mean?

No one would care enough to review your work. And when no one reviews your work, people will automatically think it’s good.

But what if you mess something up? We’re human – we are bound to make errors.

This week, my supervisor and I reviewed the work I’ve been putting out there and noticed some inconsistencies.

They may not be a big of a deal. But sometimes, when you take pride in the work you put out there, you tend to view your minor mistakes as big mistakes.


Or maybe I’ve gotten used to saying not so smart things. Most of my ideas get shot down.

But that’s ok, I’m sure something good will turn up eventually 🙂


Rescue Time App: DELETED

Why did I download this app in the first place?

I wanted to become more efficient with my time. I keep talking about this but it still feels like I’m almost always out of time.

But perhaps the issue is not about efficiency. Perhaps it’s an issue on priority.

I’m involved in a lot of side projects at work that I don’t have time to work on all of them.

Sometimes I notice myself making the exact same excuse as what everybody, “I’m too busy”.

But “busy” is a lame excuse. What it is is my inability to prioritize.

But at the same time, I wanna keep things simple. Instead of spending time on which item I should prioritize, I asked myself, “Why don’t I just do them all?”

Sounds impossible or ambitious? Hell yeah! But this will stretch my current capability to the next level.

Or break me permanently.

We’ll see…


A Year Ago This Week

I wrote about…

  • forcing myself to study – a skill I can leverage when pushed to learn something I don’t enjoy.
  • my dismay of missing a coaching call.
  • my inner rage toward that staff at the car dealership.

[read here]


Goal Update

Personal Projects

I’m thinking about gradually reducing the contents of my weekly updates so I can create more room for writing about things I really care about.

I’m talking about going in a little deeper as opposed to just dumping my thoughts online.


I just realized that we are not sleeping. What we get instead is a series of naps – on/off sleeping.

I decided to experiment with the idea of 30DT (30 Day Trial) to help me become more productive.

The goal is to start work at 5:30 AM.

I mentioned this [last week] but I’m struggling to keep up.

Yup yup, I’m weirdo lol.


Nothing to report here other than supporting my fiance on the idea of creating an e-commerce store.

Another friend who’s on mat leave is also looking into creating a business.

Perhaps this is a trend for mothers on mat leave.

Are you also working on a business idea?

Let’s connect! I wanna learn more about it 🙂

Find more of my work here, here and here