Week 7

I decided to join another writing challenge, hoping that I can attract more followers on Medium.

Well, that was really the reason why I joined. However, as I’m writing the piece, I was having so much fun that I didn’t care about winning or increasing my following. I was laughing my ass off as I was writing it.

It was about how my taste in music evolved over time.

Here’s the [link] – give it a few claps if you enjoyed it…even for just a little bit lol.


The ClickFunnel ads got to me on Instagram.

I’m planning to launch an e-commerce store by the end of this year. I wanted to educate myself about funnels to acquire leads and perhaps, future customers. It’s called “The Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook”. The guide is free so why not download it?

My goal is to use the layout provided and apply it to my stuff.


Recently, I’ve been listening to music while I’m writing in my journal. Why?

It gets me in the mood. Thanks to the latest Windows Update, I can now link my desktop to my wireless speaker. I’m leveraging the power of music to get me in the mood and put me in a vulnerable state.

That’s the state I wanna be in when I’m journaling–transparent, just 100% honest with myself.

Here’s a website full of different Lo-Fi channels. Try it!


A Year Ago This Week

  • Been watching a lot of Coffeezilla and other YouTubers who expose the scammers. Why? I’m like everyone else. There’s an element of drama and anger that makes Coffeezilla’s video entertaining.
  • I cooked ‘loaded’ potato soup to salvage the leftover bacon strips.
  • I was struggling to decide which I should prioritize: MSPaint Illustrations? Or writing?

[read here]