Week 26

2nd Quarter Check-Up

Back in [Quarter 1], I struggled to manage my time properly…

At the end of this quarter, it is STILL a struggle ><

I mentioned the practice of creating/following a schedule in [Week 24] – something I wanted to further explore next month.

But to the more important question:

What have I done so far?

Increased my earning potential:

  • increased responsibility at work – which I was fairly compensated for.
  • passed my LLQP exam – which I thought I failed back in [Week 23].


Bought courses/books to further my understanding of wealth creation – not only in terms of personal finance but also with health and well being:

Now, why the hell did I spend money on these?

It’s to help me create and reinforce a mindset that would benefit me and the people around me in the future.

These are the things I consider “investments” – not stocks. They indirectly affect your income.


Working for 9-hours seems to be the new norm:

  • I don’t feel as tired at 4 PM as I used to. The extra hours I put in can be used to take a day off work which I can then use to either: take a break or work on personal projects.

Coming Up Next...

The following are the things I intend to accomplish in the next quarter.

Get good at weekly and daily scheduling. *To keep me accountable.

I needed to put the focus back on my physical health. *This means getting back into the never-ending attempt to exercise regularly.

Write about my experience in the Life Insurance industry. *Not sure how I’m going to do this just yet but I will at least have a plan on how to tackle it.

Continue the MSPaint Series: Zodiac *I don’t see myself finishing the whole series this quarter but I hope to at least finish 60% of it.

Officially close the business I started. *I haven’t had a chance to assess the value of my assets because I DON’T KNOW HOW. I need to call CRA for help.

Create a Cash Flow Calculator (Excel). *to help me manage my expenses. Most of my bill payments and money transfers are automated. But this helps me understand myself and my priorities better.

Now that’s quite the list for the next quarter.

I’m not saying I will successfully finish all of them. Sometimes, you have to be more ambitious to see how far you can really ramp things up. I really thought I failed my LLQP exam because I had a lot of personal stuff happening in the background. But I was able to pull it off. Which means I can do that again and repeat the process until it becomes my new norm.

Closing Thoughts: Conversation w/ Others' Struggle

These are recent conversations I had with others which I found interesting and worth exploring.


“It’s a lot of work and it’s expensive. I can’t do this without sacrificing that”

This is a common struggle we all have. We find it hard to give up one thing to allow us to do another. So then I asked: “What is it about this thing you want to accomplish that makes it so important?”

A lot of us forget that fact that we are capable of crafting many solutions to a problem. Life is not math. Perhaps we shouldn’t limit ourselves to the “one and only” solution? What do you think?


Providing Advice that Lacks Empathy

“I’m here to help you me”

Some people are so quick to give a piece of advice without properly understanding the situation or values of the person they are giving advice to.

If the adviser really cared, then he/she should tailor that advice to the person’s situation. Most advisers give advice according to how they see things, not according to how the person (they are advising) see things.

When that happens, the person you are advising will not even listen BUT they will be polite about it.

This is why I became more and more reluctant to provide unsolicited advice. In most cases, I share what I observe – it’s not advice but more of an observation.

This is also why I became picky at taking advice from others. Some masks their true intention: they do help BUT it’s coming from a place where they benefit themselves more than they benefit you.

And some give a piece of advice – to help BUT it’s really to show off how awesome they THINK they are. Your response provides this sense of pride and approval most people can’t get enough off.

Kind of like a double-edged sword – you can cut through shit both ways.

Here’s a snippet of Paulo Coelho’s Warrior of the Light (which I remembered from writing this):

“A Warrior knows that an angel and a devil are both competing for his sword hand.

The devil says: “You will weaken. You will not know exactly when. You are afraid.”

The angel says: “You will weaken. You will not know exactly when. You are afraid.”

The Warrior is surprised. Both the angel and the devil have said the same thing.

The devil continues: “Let me help you.”

And the angel says: “I will help you.”

At that moment the Warrior understands the difference. The words may be the same but these two allies are completely different.

And he chooses the angel’s hand.”

― Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light

Not Smart Enough

“I wanna get a medal too” – Grade 5 Student

I asked, “Why?”, he shrugged. I can empathize with this kid because back then I also wanted to bring home a medal.

But then you fail so many times that you come to accept it – you’re not smart enough.

Then I kept asking him “why why why questions” because it’s fun lol:

“This game is cool”, *it was a game where you drive cars and get points for driving. I find it boring lol. But I asked: “Oh yea? What makes it cool?”,  he just shrugged lol.

Then I showed him something “better” – better in my own perspective: Cars + Guns = Twisted Metal


A Year Ago This Week


  • got myself checked by the doctor – a general check-up before we decided to get pregnant.
  • talked about imaginary illness because sometimes it feels like something is off when things are working out so well. But why? We see it as if it’s “the calm before the storm” WHEN there’s NO STORM – it’s SUNNY for fuck’s sake. This is a sign that something is off in our self-esteem. This is why I’m reading the book about self-esteem again 😉
  • got the hang of doing the Happy Body – which I plan to start doing again.

The 2nd quarter is about to end, which is why I needed to get my shit together before I start the next quarter.

[Read more about it here]


Goal Update

Personal Projects

I need to do the paperwork to acquire my broker license.

Then, I’m gonna move on to writing my experience.

Needed to buy an index card for my everyday to-do list.



Up at 3:30 AM – an experiment I wanted to try this week.


I’m gonna attempt to finish a cash flow calculator this week.

Kind of like Seth Godin’s credit card calculator [link here].

Find more of my work here, here and here