Week 52

Week 52

2020 Update
2020 Wins/Losses Burnout I intended my 2020 to be more purposeful. I thought about focusing more on taking action and focusing less on acquiring information. But after doing an annual review from my journal, it turns out that I burned out a lot. I set unrealistic goals hoping I can pressure myself to work extra harder. I was almost always overwhelmed with things to do. And when I fail to meet those goals, I give myself a hard time for not trying hard enough.  This is going to change next year. *** Improved Writing Skills I started a publication called "Quick 1" on Medium to kickoff my intent to write articles for other people's consumption. This meant less focus on my weekly updates. My articles were accepted by other publications…
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Week 51

Week 51

2020 Update, Journal
What Happened This Week I felt like I lost "everything" when Google kicked me out and wouldn't let me access my account. Well, no, it's not like they won't let me access it but the problem is - they couldn't find it! My account was magically erased in their system! This meant that all the articles I've written, pictures, important emails are all GONE.An hour later I was able to access it again. Later that day, I found out that they had a power outage that wouldn't let anybody log in to their e-mail or YouTube account.This semi-panic attack showed me how much I rely on technology (on Google). I entertained that thought of actually losing my account. I couldn't imagine what that would be like. I'm aware I have…
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Week 50

Week 50

2020 Update, Journal
What Happened This Week I stopped working on this article that already took me more than a month working on it. Why? I need to cut my losses.This article isn't really something that would help me get to my goals. I just had to urge to finish it because I don't wanna label myself as someone who doesn't finish what he starts.Note to self: Don't waste your time polishing a turd. ***Been listening/watching a lot of videos on coaching, goal-setting, mindsets and finding clarity. The year is about to end and I want to be more focused on setting up and achieving my goals for 2021.***It's been a month since my lulah passed away. Once in a while, I conversate with her in my head.Only this time, I found myself crying…
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Week 49

Week 49

2020 Update, Journal
What Happened This Week With software updates, the duration of the update varies. This week's Windows update tested my patience. What normally takes about 15-20 minutes took almost 2-hrs! Now, that would've been ok if Windows gave me a time frame on how long the update would take. But it didn't. And so, I had to pay close attention. A nagging voice in my head kept asking, "Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet? How much longer is it going to take? Is it done yet?".This bothered me a lot because I couldn't work. I'm worried about those e-mails I needed to address (if there were any) and all that. I suppose I can work longer and adjust my hours to make up for the…
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Week 48

Week 48

2020 Update, Journal
What Happened This Week CTTAM took in my article [read here]. #smallwin***It wasn't a Thanksgiving weekend for Canadians but I had that moment where I was thankful for the simplest things such as: having some eyes to see, mouth to talk, arms to write, or ears to listen from...or legs, fingers? Yea parts of the body lol.And just the fact that we are ok in the midst of the pandemic.***This new book I'm reading makes me wanna dig deeper into Buddhism. Lately, I noticed the stories I tell myself when something bad /good happens. The "telling stories" part is what I struggled to understand for years. But now I understand it a little better.***Finished posting my grandma's color pencil skills on my IG [see here].***I'm looking into doing kettlebell swings in…
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Week 47

Week 47

2020 Update, Journal
What Happened This Week The books I ordered came. I got them for free--for filling out a survey.***I keep hearing Dora the Explorer songs in my head.***My responsibilities at work are shifting.***I put most of my side projects on hold. I just don't feel like working on them. The excitement is not there. However, I try to push through and put some work here and there to tell myself I'm not abandoning it.I'm almost done with this new article on how to avoid being on the "to-be-laid-off" list.***Still mourning...I think? But the fact that I can't tell tells me that I'm almost done dealing with my own emotions about my grandma's passing. Every day, since I heard the news, I ask myself: "Am I ready to write that letter?"I talk about…
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Week 46

Week 46

2020 Update, Journal
What Happened This Week My grandma passed away...No, I don't wanna talk about it. Not yet... A Year Ago This Week I stopped sleeping in on weekendsI talked about the drawback of good enough."Busy is a choice". We expose ourselves to distraction to avoid facing our emotions. That's what I've been doing for the last 3 days...because I wasn't ready to let go. But now I'm starting to feel ok.[read here] Facebook-f Instagram Deviantart Medium Link Globe
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Week 45

Week 45

2020 Update, Journal
What Happened This Week Submitted my updated article for a magazine (for professionals) for their winter edition.I also spent the week copying Morning Brew's copy to get better at copywriting.Before I get too focused on writing copies this week, I wanna wrap up that other article I started on how you put your employment at risk by being complacent.***A friend challenged me to do 50 push-ups a day for the whole month of November.So far, I've been meeting this challenge. I intend to turn this into another one of my habits.***Finally got our printer to work wirelessly.***Helped a friend apply for a job.***I learned something new about editing Excel macros for work. What seemed to be a very intimidating task was not that intimidating at all. A Year Ago This…
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Week 44

Week 44

2020 Update, Journal
What Happened This Week Took a day off...from everything. That meant having a day pass to do whatever the f I want. I have a choice as to whether or not I use it to slack off or be more productive. My fiance and I agreed that we needed some time alone for ourselves. It's one way to break away from the daily demands of life, which, causes us to burn out at some point.And when you're burnt out, you can't be at your best, which, trickles to other areas of your life.It takes more than a Kitkat to take a good break. ***The Ascent finally accepted one of my submissions - after getting rejected for 4x in a row.Getting accepted means that I can now write a decent quality article.…
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Week 43

Week 43

2020 Update, Journal
What Happened This Week I had my first flu shot. Does this mean I now changed my views on having a flu shot? Not really. A lot of times, I ask people if it works. Some would say they rarely get sick until they started getting flu shots. This made me wonder, "Why then would I get it?" Now, there's a lot of factors as to how you catch the flu. These people I talk about are not medical professionals. Their answer is more likely biased towards their belief on the efficacy of flu shots. So why did I get it? I've got nothing else to lose. Plus, I trust our medical professionals.  *** My car was dead for a few days. I wasn't sure why. I unhooked the batteries…
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